Saturday 28 June 2014


To write a professional resume, you should keep in mind some few key points that can change the quality if your resume and help you build a strong resume: 

  • Keeping your resume on a single page: Employers love those resume which are short and make sense in a short and organised way. 
  • Updating your resume: Making sure of some important recent information on your recent qualification or your recent employment on your resume so that the employer knows that you are still working or you just graduated. 
  • Editing your resume for errors or Relevance: Making sure you have no grammatical errors or spelling errors, as they get noticed very quickly and gets your resume nowhere but to trash. 
  • Making sure of Fonts,that all the fonts throughout the resume are of same format, put in bullet points where necessary and indentations need to be aligned as well as your headings. Do not use bold and italicised fonts. 

           If you need help with any information or have any questions feel free to post them in the comment box. 

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