Sunday 29 June 2014


There are a few formats that one needs to follow while preparing a resume, Brian here explains that there are five basic resume structures that should be followed every time. The first section is the contact info which should be placed at the top of page and center of the page, next is the objective section, the third comes the summary section which basically summaries who you are and what makes you unique, the fourth section is education which includes degree, date, college or university, the fifth section is experience which includes all of your responsibilities and your result which most of the people miss it.
Brian will further explain every structure for formatting the resume in the link below

If you have any questions feel free to post the comments in the space provided below 


           Cover letter plays a very important role in a resume, there are many key points on which you need to focus which we discussed in previous blogs but the main concentration here while building a professional resume, is making an attractive cover letter. There are many types of cover letter, including application letters, inquiry letters, referral cover letters, prospecting letters and other types of letters used to apply jobs or inquiry about jobs, plus examples of each type of letter.
           The link below provides information to above text


There are many dos and don’ts which one should keep and avoid while writing a resume:
        ·         Do customise your resume for your industry, career stage, and personal brand.

        ·         Do make the first page worthy of standing on its own
        ·         Do make your first section a quick summary of who you are
        ·         Do use bullets instead of paragraphs

         ·         Do not exceed three to five bullets per section
         ·         Do not have a single type or grammatical mistake
         ·         Do not bother with high school if you have any college experience
         ·         Do not use objective section
           The link below gives additional information

          If you need help with any information or have any questions feel free to post them in the comment box. 
When you talk about resume writing, you have got to know what a Resume is.
A resume is a self - advertisement that, when done properly, shows how your skills, experience and achievements match the requirements of the job you want. There are various things you should keep in mind for writing a resume, as there are various types of resumes as mentioned below:
-          Write it in a proper format, as it’s the basic feature of your resume.
-          When applying to career field jobs I recommend you use the chronological format resumes as they show a proper format.
-          Functional resumes help you to focus basically on your skills and experience rather than job history.
-          Combination resumes are a mix combination of both Chronological resumes and functional resumes, as these are used to show a specific set of skills and how they are acquired.
Here is a link which will guide you to choosing the best option for you to write your resume

If you need help with any information or have any questions feel free to post them in the comment box


Today, we are going to take a look at creating a resume using a word document. This is the simplest way to create a resume during a job search. 
For creating a resume using a word template is quite simple as in when you go for a new word document it always ask u to choose the type of template you want, you can choose the simple resume template if you are not looking for chronological resumes and looking to go for functional resume, or you can go for Resumes and CV's option of template in office template for a professional template. 
Don here in this video will guide you towards light on where to start off with and what steps to choose. 

If you need help with any information or have any questions feel free to post them in the comment box.

Saturday 28 June 2014


There are many pitfalls in writing a professional resume:
  •  Failing to highlight your accomplishments, highlighting your accomplishments can the managers work easy to know what benefit you can make to their company? 
  • Including irrelevant information, which can be positions or skills that have no relevance to the job you are applying for. 
  • Making an important objective point in your resume, if you are using a combination resume format the objective statement should be about you when your application should be about the company. 
  • Poor formatting can make things go bad to worse, it’s a simple philosophy if a hiring manager finds it hard to read they will simply move on to the next one. 
  • The biggest mistake job seekers make is lying on your resume. As employers do a lot of digging to make sure that everything on your resume is true. Lying about any of your accomplishment or skills will keep you unemployed. 
Nick would assist you in briefly about these pitfalls: 

          If you need help with any information or have any questions feel free to post them in the comment box. 


To write a professional resume, you should keep in mind some few key points that can change the quality if your resume and help you build a strong resume: 

  • Keeping your resume on a single page: Employers love those resume which are short and make sense in a short and organised way. 
  • Updating your resume: Making sure of some important recent information on your recent qualification or your recent employment on your resume so that the employer knows that you are still working or you just graduated. 
  • Editing your resume for errors or Relevance: Making sure you have no grammatical errors or spelling errors, as they get noticed very quickly and gets your resume nowhere but to trash. 
  • Making sure of Fonts,that all the fonts throughout the resume are of same format, put in bullet points where necessary and indentations need to be aligned as well as your headings. Do not use bold and italicised fonts. 

           If you need help with any information or have any questions feel free to post them in the comment box.